Top 8 Payment Gateways in India Supporting Recurring Payments

Top 8 Payment Gateways in India Supporting Recurring Payments

Recurring payments provide convenience for both merchants and customers, fostering frictionless transactions and uninterrupted services. The global subscription and recurring management market is expected to reach $10,772.15 million by 2025. As this industry grows, online businesses must adopt payment gateways that offer seamless subscription and recurring payment systems.

This blog discusses eight reliable payment gateways in India that support recurring payments. We provide a brief overview of their features to assist you in making an informed decision.

What Are Recurring Payments and How Do They Work?

Recurring payments, also known as subscription payments, are repetitive payments authorized by customers. They are deducted per a predetermined schedule in exchange for products or services offered by a business. Customers initially make a payment and continue to pay automatically at agreed intervals.

How Are Recurring Payments Different from One-Time Payments?

Recurring payments involve regular payments for uninterrupted services, such as Netflix or Amazon Prime. One-time payments are single payments for a product or service.

Top Payment Gateways Supporting Recurring Payments in India


Supports 27+ major foreign currencies.

No setup fee.

Various transaction charges.


Supports 100+ currencies.

No setup fee.

Different transaction charges.


Supports multiple currencies.

No setup fee.

Transaction charges apply.


Supports various currencies.

No setup fee.

Transaction charges vary.


Supports multiple currencies.

No setup fee.

Transaction charges apply.


Accepts 135+ currencies.

No setup fee.

Transaction charges based on currency and location.


Supports multiple currencies.

No setup fee.

Transaction charges vary.


Supports INR.

No setup fee.

Transaction charges vary.

The Power of Web Technology Expert

Don’t rely solely on one payment gateway; integrate multiple options with Web Technology Expert’s Payment Aggregation platform. This ensures broader reach, protection against outages, and flexibility to adapt to changes without compromising service delivery.

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